Public Opinion Strategy of Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia to Improve a Positive Image


  • Mutiara Chairunnisa UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Dwi Wahyuningtyas Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur


public opinion, Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia, public relation, fun learning, improve a positive image


This research discusses the public opinion strategy used to shape a positive image of Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia. This research was conducted by analyzing public comments on social media and insights from staff and managers of Rumah Pintar. Qualitative methods were used to explore this research using Creswell's theoretical approach. This research aims to analyze the public opinion strategy of Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia in shaping a positive image and explore insights into how the public views Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia and what they expect from this place. The results showed that the community has a positive view of Rumah Pintar. The facilities provided, such as a mini library, computer center, stage center, and play center, have increased reading interest and attracted public attention. However, some comments still criticize less well-maintained aspects, such as the dirty turtle pond area and some poorly maintained animals. This research shows that the public opinion strategy is very important in improving the positive image of Rumah Pintar and that the analysis of public comments can help identify weaknesses and strengths that affect the positive image. Thus, Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia needs to adapt to the community's needs and improve facilities and services to improve a positive image and maintain public trust


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How to Cite

Chairunnisa, M., & Wahyuningtyas, D. (2024). Public Opinion Strategy of Rumah Pintar Juanda Cendekia to Improve a Positive Image. Journal of English Studies and Business Communication, 1(1), 21–29. Retrieved from