How Two Indonesia-based Marketplace Companies Communicate Their Image on Their Owned Media: Move Analysis


  • Nugrahaningtyas Fatma Anyassari Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Hiqma Nur Agustina
  • Tri Astuti Handayani


move, positive image, image/lobbying blog, owned media, business communication


Companies have a task to communicate and construct their good image to not only customers but also relevant groups such as key partners, investors, policy makers, and public. The practice remains salient in computer-mediated communication nowadays. The companies usually deliver the message through, among others, their owned media. This study analyzes how Indonesia-based marketplace companies communicate their image through image/lobbying blog published on their owned media. The research design was content analysis. Applying purposive sampling, 48 articles in English were analyzed by using a codebook adapted from McLaren and Gurău (2005) and Catenaccion (2008). Both companies employed similar step in move announcement. Both companies had a tendency to announce results. However, they had different follow-up strategy especially for move elaboration and comment. This study suggests move variation be inculcated to students majoring English for business communication for raising their awareness in the variation which later would lead to their skills in communicating company image in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Anyassari, N. F., Hiqma Nur Agustina, & Tri Astuti Handayani. (2024). How Two Indonesia-based Marketplace Companies Communicate Their Image on Their Owned Media: Move Analysis. Journal of English Studies and Business Communication, 1(2), 52–57. Retrieved from